What does the medical examination consist of?

The examination starts by your completing a online detailed medical questionnaire.

We then conduct a number of examinations, testing both your blood* and urine, measuring your height, weight, BMI blood pressure, hearing and eyesight.

If you opt for a more comprehensive examination, we will also conduct a resting ECG and/or a lung function test.

Our medical examiner will discuss your medical questionnaire with you, your travel destination(if applicable) and conduct a physical examination. 

Depending on the type of health check or your destination, you may also have a consultation at our vaccination department after your examination.

The medical examination that you undergo depends on your specific situation and if allpicable your travel destination and duration. We carry out various types of medical examinations. Are you planning to go abroad with your whole family for a longer period of time? We also offer special expat medical examinations for children.

*depending on type of health check


Our guidelines

All of our health checks are performed in accordance to the guidelines of:

  • Offshore Energies UK (former Oil and Gas UK)
  • Nederlandse Olie en Gas Exploratie en Productie Associatie (NOGEPA)
  • The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) as endorsed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee
  • Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT) of the Dutch Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat

The Corporate Travel Clinic has NOGEPA registered doctors who perform different medical health checks for the offshore industry.

For the Seafarer medical, our doctors are certified by the Dutch Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT)

For the Luxembourg inland shipping medical, we have been certified by the The Directorate of Inland Navigation and Logistics as part of the Department of Mobility and Transport of the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works of Luxembourg.


Health Checks

  • Offshore (NOGEPA) / Offshore (NOGEPA)
  • Offshore Energies UK(former Oil and Gas UK) / Offshore Energies UK(former Oil and Gas UK)
  • Seafarer medical / Zeevaart keuring
  • Global Worker (STWC) / Global Worker (STWC)
  • Expat health check / Expat keuring
  • Inland shipping medical / Binnenvaart
  • Luxembourg inland shipping medical / Luxemburg binnenvaart keuring
  • Executive health check / Executive keuring
  • Preventive Medical Health check / Preventief medisch onderzoek (PMO)
  • Asbestos screening / Asbest keuring
  • Contaminated soil health check / Verontreinigde grond keuring
  • Fit-to-fly / Fit-to-Travel /  Fit-to-Fly / Fit-to-Travel

Our medical expertise.

Our medical specialist and supporting medical team have thorough knowledge regarding different circumstances abroad and can perform the most sufficient research required.

We are always up to date.

We receive up-to-date information of the National Coordinationcenter Traveladvisory(LCR) regarding local diseases, outbreaks and potential required vaccinations or other enquiries.

Medical care is always available.

We are always capable of consulting with our extensive network of medical experts worldwide. With our international network you have acces to the best possible local care.

Specialist in Travel Health Risk Management.

With over 30 years of experience we have the full knowledge of local healthrisks worldwide, and know how to minimize their potential impact.

About Corporate Travel Clinic

All activities of Corporate Travel Clinic focus on our four functional pillars in healthcare, which provides international organizations with an integrated risk management strategies to meet their healthcare obligations for their employees. All activities are aimed at reducing the impact of possible health risks of your employees. Every year we advise more than 3,500 expats and employees abroad for about 150 different companies and organizations. Due to our close relationship with the port of Rotterdam, a large part of our customer base is naturally active in the offshore and maritime industry.


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